Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Reminder May Outing: Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival

Hoping to get shots for the Haycation show we have coming later this year. It is the largest Sheep and wool show in the U.S. and should be very interesting The show and parking are free but the ask for a donation of $5 to help the association. 

Carpooling would be helpful so we will be in the usual park and ride until 9AM. The date will be Sat. May 2,2015 

For more info and to signup for this outing visit: http://www.cmpg.org/NavigationMenu/CMPG-Events/Group-Outings

New CMPG Website Announced

The new website will not only make it easier for us to communicate to our members, but it will be an interactive community for our members to communicate and learn from one another. Users will be able to interact, receive notifications, comment on pictures, join groups; post pictures and yes edit your own gallery…FINALLY!

To view the features of the site, and to see a preview, click on the link below. The website is scheduled to go live this summer (or as soon as possible). At that point you will receive your login and access to the full features and members area of the website. The area of the site you will be previewing is the public area of the website.

Click here to preview

Also, We are looking for 5 CMPG members to volunteer to test functionality of the new website. To accept this opportunity you must be willing to actively use the site and provide some feedback. Please contact Ken Losurdo if interested.

April Outing Gallery

To view images from our April outing to the Cherryblossom Festival Click here

Speaker for May Meeting-Bryan Ramsay

Image: Bryan Ramsey
Bryan Ramsay “BJ”, Volunteer Photographer for the Smithsonian Institute

He is currently a full time Navy employee (the Navy pays enough to put food on the table so his pictures don’t have too, which has allowed him to really explore his photography).  As a volunteer photographer to the Smithsonian Institute and the American Orchid Society he has multiple several published photographs. He is also the president of the St Mary’s Camera Club and an occasional lecturer.  

BJ started shooting at an early age (primarily landscapes) with 120 film in a brownie instamatic, followed by a Yashica and a Bronica (he is still a huge fan of Ansel Adams).  He did his own darkroom work all the way through HS, then beer and life got in the way and his photography slowed way down. He dabbled a little in underwater work with a Nikonos II/III and some aerial photography with a 35mm Canon SLR and slides but nothing serious until he picked up a Sony 727 digital point and shoot.  All of a sudden he could do his own “darkroom” work again, and even print in color. With that his photography started to explode. He now shoots with a D800E almost exclusively but will occasionally pick up the D7000 depending on the subject/location etc.  Somewhere along the way Bryan picked up a passion for orchids, primarily as great photography subjects, and the rest is history. He is now an accredited AOS judge (6 year in the training) with a passion for photographing orchids around the world.

But how does that make him a qualified speaker on image stacking? The ability to control the DoF with subjects that are not flat and are occasionally very small made understanding image stacking a necessity. It is now as much a part of his photography arsenal as his macro lenses.  Several years ago, he had the pleasure of taking a workshop with Joe McNally and Vincent Versace, both of whom had a significant impact on his photography, “I have as many speedlights as Joe” (well not quite but some days it seems that way) and Vinny’s influence on his Photoshop skills really opened the door for the art of the possible in the area of fine art photography. 

Meeting Information
May 27th, 2015
2600 Marriottsville Road
Marriottsville, MD 

Courtesy of Sabrina Raymond

April 27 - May 31

29 W Wednesday Night Sailboat Races Annapolis http://www.annapolisyc.com/racing/wnrfb
April 29 W Twilight Tatto Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, VA http://twilight.mdw.army.mil/ Twilight Tattoo will be performed on Summerall Field from April through June, and on Whipple Field from July through August. Twilight Tattoo performances begin at 7 PM. Pre-ceremony pageantry begins at 6:45 PM.

May 1 F May Day Annapolis http://www.visitannapolis.org/includes/calendar-of-events/May-Day/2244/?menuid=37 residents & merchants decorate with baskets of flowers

2 Sa Opening Day & Annual Steam Show Fire Museum http://www.firemuseummd.org/thingstodo.htm#ProgramsEvents 10-2

2 Sa 20th Annual British Motorcar Show Lewes, DE http://www.leweschamber.com/event/19th-annual-british-motorcar-show

2 Sa Opening Day Parade of Engines Walkersville, MD Frederick County http://wsrr.org/2013/schedule all engines on display

2 Sa Kinetic Sculpture Race Baltimore http://www.kineticbaltimore.com/

2 Sa Point Lookout Lighthouse Open House Scotland http://www.dnr.state.md.us/publiclands/southern/pointlookout.asp 2 1/2 hours away
May 3 Su The Flying Circus - Opening Day Bealeton, VA http://www.flyingcircusairshow.com/schedule.html 2 hours away; airshow starts 2:30 pm ends about 4

3 Su First Sunday Arts Festival Annapolis www.firstsundayarts.com

3 Su Western Circuit Open Show Carroll Cty Equestrian Center http://carrollcountyequestriancouncil.org/Calendar.htm

3 Su Point to Point Steeple Chase Winterthur http://www.winterthur.org/?p=1045

3 Su Blessing of the Fleet Lewes, DE http://www.leweschamber.com/event/community-events/blessing-fleet-0

3 Su Hagerstown Aviation Museum Ramble Hagerstown http://www.hagerstownaviationmuseum.org/eventcalendar.html 1 - 4

1 2 F Sa Flower Mart National Cathedral http://allhallowsguild.org/Flower-Mart/flower-mart

1 2 F Sa Flower Mart Mt Vernon http://www.flowermart.org/

1 3 Fr Su Spoutwood Fairie Festival Glen Rock, PA Fr 12-7 Sa & Su 10-6

1 3 F Su Dover Days Dover, DE http://www.doverdaysfestival.com/

2 3 Sa Su Civil War Living History Reenactment Farm Museum, Westminster http://ccgovernment.carr.org/ccg/farmmus/Events.aspx

2 3 Sa Su Solomons Maritime Festival Calvert Marine Mus Solomons http://www.calvertmarinemuseum.com/233/Annual-Events 10-5; antique boats, dogs in action

2 3 Sa Su Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival West Friendship http://www.sheepandwool.org/ Sat 9-6 Sun 9-5

May 4 - May 10

6 W Wednesday Night Sailboat Races Annapolis http://www.annapolisyc.com/racing/wnrfb

6 W Twilight Tatto Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, VA http://twilight.mdw.army.mil/ Twilight Tattoo will be performed on Summerall Field from April through June, and on Whipple Field from July through August. Twilight Tattoo performances begin at 7 PM. Pre-ceremony pageantry begins at 6:45 PM.

F 8 DC WWII Fly Over Washington, DC http://ww2flyover.org/
May 9 Sa Celtic Festival Mt Airy Fire Dept Fairgrounds http://www.sasmm.com/

10 Sa Open Cockpit Day Martin Airport Bmore http://mdairmuseum.org/calendar.html

9 Sa Horse Appreciation Day Pasadena http://pasadenahorse.org/HAD The Riehl Farm

10 Su Medieval Mother's Day Tea Steppingstone http://steppingstonemuseum.org/events/ Medieval treats; Medieval to Renaissance fashion show
May 10 Su The Flying Circus Mother's Day Show Bealeton, VA http://www.flyingcircusairshow.com/schedule.html 2 hours away; airshow starts 2:30 pm ends about 4

9 10 Sa Su 3rd An Mid Atlt Wild West Fest & Cowboy Reunion West Friendship http://www.farmheritage.org/wild-west-fest-plow-days.html 10 - 6

9 10 Sa Su Medieval Days Encampment Steppingstone http://steppingstonemuseum.org/events/ 11-4

May 11 - May 17

13 W Wednesday Night Sailboat Races Annapolis http://www.annapolisyc.com/racing/wnrfb

13 W Twilight Tatto Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, VA http://twilight.mdw.army.mil/ Twilight Tattoo will be performed on Summerall Field from April through June, and on Whipple Field from July through August. Twilight Tattoo performances begin at 7 PM. Pre-ceremony pageantry begins at 6:45 PM.

16 Sa The Scottish Games Elkton http://fairhillscottishgames.org/index.html

16 Sa Warrior Dash Mechanicsville https://www.warriordash.com/location/2015-warrior-dash-maryland/

16 Sa Horn Point Antique Fly-in Cambridge, MD http://visitdorchester.org/events/antique-fly/ Antique airplanes, over 200, 9am to 4pm, rain date May 17

16 Sa Jesse James Day at Walkersville Railroad Walkersville, MD Frederick County http://wsrr.org/2013/schedule Old West Raid on the Train

16 Sa Elf Classic Yacht Race Annapolis or Solomons http://www.cyrg.org/elfclassic2015.htm Start Annapolis end Calvert Maritime Museum

16 Sa Open Cockpit Day Air Mobility Command Musuem Dover http://amcmuseum.org/events/#summer-camp aircraft will be opened to the public from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 3rd Sat - spring thru Nov

16 Sa Kent Island Heritage Day Stevensville http://www.kentislandheritagesociety.org/kent-island-day.html

17 Su National Maritime Day - closed toed shoes Baltimore http://bayheritage.org/program-events-calendar/ Pier 13, 4601 Newgate Avenue; lego fleet Tugs! Closed toes shoesPier 13, 4601 Newgate Avenue; lego fleet Tugs! Closed toes shoes

17 Su The Flying Circus Bealeton, VA http://www.flyingcircusairshow.com/schedule.html 2 hours away; airshow starts 2:30 pm ends about 4

14 18 Th M Remembering WWII - Fifi is Coming! Martin State Airport

14 16 Th Sa Military Vehicle Rally Aberdeen http://www.militaryvehicleshow.com/
May 14 16 Th Sa Preakness Balloon Festival

16 17 Sa Su WWII Air Show - Warbirds Over the Beach Virginia Beach, VA http://www.militaryaviationmuseum.org/ww2-airshow.html

15 17 F Su Lancaster Cty Fireman's Assoc Annual Fire Expo Harrisburg, PA http://www.lcfa.com/index.php?submenu=Expo&src=gendocs&ref=FireExpo&category=Main

15 17 F Su National Pike Festival Hagerstown http://www.nationalpikefestival.org/ Wagon trains on the National Pike, encampments

16 17 Sa Su Blacksmith Days CC Farm Museum http://ccgovernment.carr.org/ccg/farmmus/Events.aspx

May 18 - May 24

20 W Wednesday Night Sailboat Races Annapolis http://www.annapolisyc.com/racing/wnrfb

20 W Twilight Tatto Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, VA http://twilight.mdw.army.mil/ Twilight Tattoo will be performed on Summerall Field from April through June, and on Whipple Field from July through August. Twilight Tattoo performances begin at 7 PM. Pre-ceremony pageantry begins at 6:45 PM.
May 23 Sa Horseshoe Crab Festival Milton, DE http://www.historicmilton.com/events/event/285-Horseshoe+Crab+&+Shorebird+Festival.html in conjuction with Prime Hook Wildlife Refuge

23 Sa Fairhill Races Elkton, MD http://www.fairhillraces.org

23 Sa Civil War Reencactors at Walkersville Railroad Frederick County http://wsrr.org/2013/schedule on the train and along the tracks, skirmishes & mock battle

24 Su The Flying Circus Bealeton, VA http://www.flyingcircusairshow.com/schedule.html 2 hours away; airshow starts 2:30 pm ends about 4

24 Su Rolling Thunder Washignton DC http://www.rollingthunder1.com/

22 24 F Su Chestertown Tea Party Festival Chestertown http://www.chestertownteaparty.org/ tea toss reenactment; raft race, Colonial Parade

22 25 F M Balticon
http://www.balticon.org/ Hunt Valley

May 25 - May 31

25 W Wednesday Night Sailboat Races Annapolis http://www.annapolisyc.com/racing/wnrfb

25 M Memorial Day Flags In at Arlington Cemetery Arlington http://www.arlingtoncemetery.mil/Plan-Your-Visit/Events-and-Ceremonies/Ceremonies-and-Traditions/Flags-In

26 T US Marine Corps Tuesday Sunset Parade Arlington http://www.barracks.marines.mil/Parades/ParadeSchedule2015.aspx 7 pm at the Marine Corps War Memorial

27 W Twilight Tatto Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, VA http://twilight.mdw.army.mil/ Twilight Tattoo will be performed on Summerall Field from April through June, and on Whipple Field from July through August. Twilight Tattoo performances begin at 7 PM. Pre-ceremony pageantry begins at 6:45 PM.

31 Su The Flying Circus Bealeton, VA http://www.flyingcircusairshow.com/schedule.html 2 hours away; airshow starts 2:30 pm ends about 4

30 31 Sa Su MD Special Olympic Equestrian Games & Trials Upper Marlboro, MD http://calendar.visitmaryland.org/Views/Events/Details.aspx?id=89289