Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Courtesy of Sabrina Raymond

April 27 - May 31

29 W Wednesday Night Sailboat Races Annapolis http://www.annapolisyc.com/racing/wnrfb
April 29 W Twilight Tatto Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, VA http://twilight.mdw.army.mil/ Twilight Tattoo will be performed on Summerall Field from April through June, and on Whipple Field from July through August. Twilight Tattoo performances begin at 7 PM. Pre-ceremony pageantry begins at 6:45 PM.

May 1 F May Day Annapolis http://www.visitannapolis.org/includes/calendar-of-events/May-Day/2244/?menuid=37 residents & merchants decorate with baskets of flowers

2 Sa Opening Day & Annual Steam Show Fire Museum http://www.firemuseummd.org/thingstodo.htm#ProgramsEvents 10-2

2 Sa 20th Annual British Motorcar Show Lewes, DE http://www.leweschamber.com/event/19th-annual-british-motorcar-show

2 Sa Opening Day Parade of Engines Walkersville, MD Frederick County http://wsrr.org/2013/schedule all engines on display

2 Sa Kinetic Sculpture Race Baltimore http://www.kineticbaltimore.com/

2 Sa Point Lookout Lighthouse Open House Scotland http://www.dnr.state.md.us/publiclands/southern/pointlookout.asp 2 1/2 hours away
May 3 Su The Flying Circus - Opening Day Bealeton, VA http://www.flyingcircusairshow.com/schedule.html 2 hours away; airshow starts 2:30 pm ends about 4

3 Su First Sunday Arts Festival Annapolis www.firstsundayarts.com

3 Su Western Circuit Open Show Carroll Cty Equestrian Center http://carrollcountyequestriancouncil.org/Calendar.htm

3 Su Point to Point Steeple Chase Winterthur http://www.winterthur.org/?p=1045

3 Su Blessing of the Fleet Lewes, DE http://www.leweschamber.com/event/community-events/blessing-fleet-0

3 Su Hagerstown Aviation Museum Ramble Hagerstown http://www.hagerstownaviationmuseum.org/eventcalendar.html 1 - 4

1 2 F Sa Flower Mart National Cathedral http://allhallowsguild.org/Flower-Mart/flower-mart

1 2 F Sa Flower Mart Mt Vernon http://www.flowermart.org/

1 3 Fr Su Spoutwood Fairie Festival Glen Rock, PA Fr 12-7 Sa & Su 10-6

1 3 F Su Dover Days Dover, DE http://www.doverdaysfestival.com/

2 3 Sa Su Civil War Living History Reenactment Farm Museum, Westminster http://ccgovernment.carr.org/ccg/farmmus/Events.aspx

2 3 Sa Su Solomons Maritime Festival Calvert Marine Mus Solomons http://www.calvertmarinemuseum.com/233/Annual-Events 10-5; antique boats, dogs in action

2 3 Sa Su Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival West Friendship http://www.sheepandwool.org/ Sat 9-6 Sun 9-5

May 4 - May 10

6 W Wednesday Night Sailboat Races Annapolis http://www.annapolisyc.com/racing/wnrfb

6 W Twilight Tatto Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, VA http://twilight.mdw.army.mil/ Twilight Tattoo will be performed on Summerall Field from April through June, and on Whipple Field from July through August. Twilight Tattoo performances begin at 7 PM. Pre-ceremony pageantry begins at 6:45 PM.

F 8 DC WWII Fly Over Washington, DC http://ww2flyover.org/
May 9 Sa Celtic Festival Mt Airy Fire Dept Fairgrounds http://www.sasmm.com/

10 Sa Open Cockpit Day Martin Airport Bmore http://mdairmuseum.org/calendar.html

9 Sa Horse Appreciation Day Pasadena http://pasadenahorse.org/HAD The Riehl Farm

10 Su Medieval Mother's Day Tea Steppingstone http://steppingstonemuseum.org/events/ Medieval treats; Medieval to Renaissance fashion show
May 10 Su The Flying Circus Mother's Day Show Bealeton, VA http://www.flyingcircusairshow.com/schedule.html 2 hours away; airshow starts 2:30 pm ends about 4

9 10 Sa Su 3rd An Mid Atlt Wild West Fest & Cowboy Reunion West Friendship http://www.farmheritage.org/wild-west-fest-plow-days.html 10 - 6

9 10 Sa Su Medieval Days Encampment Steppingstone http://steppingstonemuseum.org/events/ 11-4

May 11 - May 17

13 W Wednesday Night Sailboat Races Annapolis http://www.annapolisyc.com/racing/wnrfb

13 W Twilight Tatto Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, VA http://twilight.mdw.army.mil/ Twilight Tattoo will be performed on Summerall Field from April through June, and on Whipple Field from July through August. Twilight Tattoo performances begin at 7 PM. Pre-ceremony pageantry begins at 6:45 PM.

16 Sa The Scottish Games Elkton http://fairhillscottishgames.org/index.html

16 Sa Warrior Dash Mechanicsville https://www.warriordash.com/location/2015-warrior-dash-maryland/

16 Sa Horn Point Antique Fly-in Cambridge, MD http://visitdorchester.org/events/antique-fly/ Antique airplanes, over 200, 9am to 4pm, rain date May 17

16 Sa Jesse James Day at Walkersville Railroad Walkersville, MD Frederick County http://wsrr.org/2013/schedule Old West Raid on the Train

16 Sa Elf Classic Yacht Race Annapolis or Solomons http://www.cyrg.org/elfclassic2015.htm Start Annapolis end Calvert Maritime Museum

16 Sa Open Cockpit Day Air Mobility Command Musuem Dover http://amcmuseum.org/events/#summer-camp aircraft will be opened to the public from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 3rd Sat - spring thru Nov

16 Sa Kent Island Heritage Day Stevensville http://www.kentislandheritagesociety.org/kent-island-day.html

17 Su National Maritime Day - closed toed shoes Baltimore http://bayheritage.org/program-events-calendar/ Pier 13, 4601 Newgate Avenue; lego fleet Tugs! Closed toes shoesPier 13, 4601 Newgate Avenue; lego fleet Tugs! Closed toes shoes

17 Su The Flying Circus Bealeton, VA http://www.flyingcircusairshow.com/schedule.html 2 hours away; airshow starts 2:30 pm ends about 4

14 18 Th M Remembering WWII - Fifi is Coming! Martin State Airport

14 16 Th Sa Military Vehicle Rally Aberdeen http://www.militaryvehicleshow.com/
May 14 16 Th Sa Preakness Balloon Festival

16 17 Sa Su WWII Air Show - Warbirds Over the Beach Virginia Beach, VA http://www.militaryaviationmuseum.org/ww2-airshow.html

15 17 F Su Lancaster Cty Fireman's Assoc Annual Fire Expo Harrisburg, PA http://www.lcfa.com/index.php?submenu=Expo&src=gendocs&ref=FireExpo&category=Main

15 17 F Su National Pike Festival Hagerstown http://www.nationalpikefestival.org/ Wagon trains on the National Pike, encampments

16 17 Sa Su Blacksmith Days CC Farm Museum http://ccgovernment.carr.org/ccg/farmmus/Events.aspx

May 18 - May 24

20 W Wednesday Night Sailboat Races Annapolis http://www.annapolisyc.com/racing/wnrfb

20 W Twilight Tatto Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, VA http://twilight.mdw.army.mil/ Twilight Tattoo will be performed on Summerall Field from April through June, and on Whipple Field from July through August. Twilight Tattoo performances begin at 7 PM. Pre-ceremony pageantry begins at 6:45 PM.
May 23 Sa Horseshoe Crab Festival Milton, DE http://www.historicmilton.com/events/event/285-Horseshoe+Crab+&+Shorebird+Festival.html in conjuction with Prime Hook Wildlife Refuge

23 Sa Fairhill Races Elkton, MD http://www.fairhillraces.org

23 Sa Civil War Reencactors at Walkersville Railroad Frederick County http://wsrr.org/2013/schedule on the train and along the tracks, skirmishes & mock battle

24 Su The Flying Circus Bealeton, VA http://www.flyingcircusairshow.com/schedule.html 2 hours away; airshow starts 2:30 pm ends about 4

24 Su Rolling Thunder Washignton DC http://www.rollingthunder1.com/

22 24 F Su Chestertown Tea Party Festival Chestertown http://www.chestertownteaparty.org/ tea toss reenactment; raft race, Colonial Parade

22 25 F M Balticon
http://www.balticon.org/ Hunt Valley

May 25 - May 31

25 W Wednesday Night Sailboat Races Annapolis http://www.annapolisyc.com/racing/wnrfb

25 M Memorial Day Flags In at Arlington Cemetery Arlington http://www.arlingtoncemetery.mil/Plan-Your-Visit/Events-and-Ceremonies/Ceremonies-and-Traditions/Flags-In

26 T US Marine Corps Tuesday Sunset Parade Arlington http://www.barracks.marines.mil/Parades/ParadeSchedule2015.aspx 7 pm at the Marine Corps War Memorial

27 W Twilight Tatto Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, VA http://twilight.mdw.army.mil/ Twilight Tattoo will be performed on Summerall Field from April through June, and on Whipple Field from July through August. Twilight Tattoo performances begin at 7 PM. Pre-ceremony pageantry begins at 6:45 PM.

31 Su The Flying Circus Bealeton, VA http://www.flyingcircusairshow.com/schedule.html 2 hours away; airshow starts 2:30 pm ends about 4

30 31 Sa Su MD Special Olympic Equestrian Games & Trials Upper Marlboro, MD http://calendar.visitmaryland.org/Views/Events/Details.aspx?id=89289

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