Tuesday, November 12, 2013

CMPG Volunteers Needed for Howard County Public School System Photo Show

Steve Talabac was recently contacted by Mark Coates, Coordinator, Fine Arts, Howard County Public School System (HCPSS). The HCPSS will have a photo show that will be held at the
https://www.wikispaces.hcpss.org/file/view/logo_hcpss_reverse350d2.jpg/32101987/logo_hcpss_reverse350d2.jpgColumbia Art Center (http://www.columbiaartcenter.org/) in January 2014. They would like the photos submissions to be curated and several selected to be featured in the exhibit. Steve offered the services of CMPG volunteers to help them with the selection process.

If you are willing and able to volunteer your time, please contact Steve Talabac.

Click Here for more info


  1. Count me in, Lew Lorton
    (the click on more info gives nothing)

    1. I tried the click on more link and it worked fine for me. Anyone else having problems with the link?
