Sunday, August 3, 2014

Next Outing: DC Night Walk

When: Sunday August 10 - meet at the Route 100 Park and Ride at 5:15pm

Our CMPG outing for August will be held on Sunday August 10th in downtown DC. Meet at 5.15pm at the Rt 100 Park and Ride for a planned arrival downtown DC at the MLK memorial of 6.30pm Since I live close to DC I will meet the group at the statue of Martin Luther King at 6.30pm.

Rain date will be Saturday August 16th - all details about meeting remain the same, except for moon times - there won't be any until just before midnight that evening (This can also be a repeat date if you can't make the 10th - let me know if interested in this date because I can come out for both).

There is parking along Ohio Drive and in three small parking lots as indicated in red in the attachment. When parking on Ohio drive please make sure that you park in a space with a 3 hour limit. I think there are also some with much shorter limits (closer to the memorials and for disabled visitors). We can go back and move the cars around should we stay much longer than the three hours.

The almost full moon will rise at 19.55 with a sunset at 20.10 - and according to the TPE (see attached) it will rise in the vicinity of the Jefferson Memorial when looking out from the MLK memorial (the light blue line). When standing at the Lincoln Memorial, the moon will rise over the city which is perhaps less attractive - but we can decide where we want to go when we are there.

It is another month of a 'super moon', meaning the mean is close to the earth and appears larger than usual. September will be the last month this year with a super moon.

Since at least part of the outing is after sunset, please bring a flash if you would like to use it or any other flashlights or toys for light painting if you like. Think about ghost images - there is a lot more fun stuff to do.

This is also part of the assignment outing to start making your images for the collage assignment Trish Stockman gave us. She mentioned to me that these days she goes out and shoots her images specifically for the collage she intends to make. She also starts with the room/space in that she wants to work in. So, please start thinking about what you would like to do for a collage before coming to the outing. There are ample opportunities downtown DC to use as a room to fill with non-related things to make that collage. I am sure CMPG members will be happy to help with any brainstorming... Also, you'll have other CMPGlers with you that surely can serve as models should you need people in your collage to strike specific poses. Maybe you can also convince one or the other pet owner on location to use their pets as subjects. - But please remember, unless it's a misbehaving kid, it's probably not wise to intend to pose somebody in one of the many fountains or make them climb a statue or monument :) But otherwise let the creative juices flow. The monuments were photographed a gazillion times, time to make a different kind of image - make them your own.

Hope to see you all there, Kirsten.

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