Tuesday, April 21, 2015

CMPG Meeting Reminder

Astrophotographer Chris Miskiewicz

Photo: Chris Miskiewicz
Chris Miskiewicz is the president of the Howard Astronomical League. He has been an amateur astronomer for over twenty years. He began astrophotography using a SLR camera and something called “film.” Now he enjoys using DSLR cameras to capture images of objects in our solar system as well as deep sky objects such as galaxies and nebulae. During the day, Chris is a kindergarten teacher and supports STEM outreach events within his community.

Date:April 22
Time:7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

2600 Marriottsville Road
Marriottsville, MD 2110 United States

Please be advised our meeting room has changed at Chaplegate, We will now be meeting at the second floor chapel.

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